Welcome to DEEP.
What is your life’s purpose?
Are you fully living it in your work?
Which parts of your shadow get in the way?
How deep are you willing to go to resolve them?
Who will you be between now and your death?
Your hero's journey.
Coming Soon.
Four-day, three-night intensive program.
A small, select group of highly motivated and successful people have been invited to take part in DEEP: a four-day, three-night journey of transformation and self exploration designed to develop unusually powerful leadership and life presence.
Notable program elements include:
A carefully crafted agenda that mirrors the steps of The Hero’s Journey - the call to adventure, the descent, the ordeal, and the return
Activities and experiences based in behavioral science and neuroscience to cultivate self-realization and psychological healing
A highly trained facilitation team of Evolution Coaches with decades of experience working with motivated and successful entrepreneurs
Leaving of names, titles, personas and images in the outside world and taking solace in being away from the identity you carry in your life
Full digital detox - including phones and other media
Nourishing organic foods
Sacred spaces to nurture the process
One pre- and one post- coaching session to integrate the experience into your life
Continuous engagement for community support and connection with your fellow attendees
For more information, please contact us to set up a call.